BeerEvents are listed chronologically by start time and by date of their occurrence. You can choose to view events by day, venue, or town location by using the search fields on the right side of every page throughout this website. You can also click on any of our event categories to narrow in on events that interest you most.

Some of our events occur a few or more times over the four days and we have listed them under each category and by start time order. When ordering your tickets, be sure to select the correct day you wish to attend. Click on “Schedule of Events” to go to the full list of all events featured.

Ticket prices include applicable dining and sales tax but do NOT include gratuities. Please bring some pocket cash for tipping your servers for their kind service. There will be a 3% fee added to your entire purchase to cover administrative costs related to credit card processing on top of the purchase ticket price.  We have diligently negotiated the lowest fees possible, but please be aware that they are necessary.

When selecting your event tickets please add them to your cart and make you checkout all at one time. By making multiple complete purchases (within a 24 hour period usually) you may trigger a fraud alert from your credit card issuer, because multiple purchases from one vendor will often trigger that kind of alert.  If this happens you should contact you card issuer and relay to them that your purchases are bonafide and to authorize completion of each transaction.  Again, to avoid all that, choose your tickets, add them to you cart, keep shopping if you choose, and check out just one time in one 24 hour period. We also suggest that you create an account so your information will be saved for your convenience. We (DCRA) do not retain any of your personal credit information other than your name, address, phone, and email.  Your CC number is encrypted and not retained by us at any time. If you would like to read about what we may do with the personal information we do collect from you, please read our privacy policy at